Class Afloat provides fully accredited grade 11, 12 high school and 1st year university courses. Our graduates have been admitted to leading colleges and universities around the world.
Class Afloat Is Accredited By:

Accredited by: Nova Scotia Department of Education
Class Afloat is a registered private high school offering courses that are fully accredited by the province of Nova Scotia, Canada.
To graduate as a Class Afloat student, you must meet the requirements for graduation as set out by the Nova Scotia Department of Education
To learn more about these requirements, visit the Ministry of Education and Early Childhood Development.

Accredited by: Acadia University in Nova Scotia
In partnership with the Open Acadia Program, Class Afloat offers students the opportunity to enrol as a first year Acadia University student and complete a selection of 1st year university courses while experiencing a life-changing journey at sea.
Students who have been accepted to the Class Afloat program may choose to continue their studies at Acadia University or transfer the credits to a university of their choice. At the discretion of each college or university, Canadian and international students may transfer credits earned towards the completion of a post-secondary diploma or degree at another institution.
Read more about continuing your undergraduate degree at Acadia University.

Accredited by: Cégep Marie-Victorin
Through our partnership with Cégep Marie-Victorin, located in Montreal, Canada, students are eligible to acquire high school courses during their time on board the ship that may be* accepted as Cégep equivalents.
If you are a high school or Cégep student in Quebec with questions about joining Class Afloat, please reach out to our regional representative, Sophie Carriere at
* all transfers are approved at the discretion of Cégep Marie-Victorin and must be confirmed prior to the beginning of the academic school year

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