Welcome to Your Classroom

Class Afloat offers rigorous and internationally acclaimed academic programs for Grade 11, 12, University and Gap year students while they travel and sail the world’s oceans aboard a majestic tall ship.

Class Afloat is a registered independent high school and proud partner of Acadia University offering accredited grade 11, 12 high school and 1st year university courses to an international student crew.

Class Afloat alumni have gained admission to the world’s leading post-secondary institutions. Today, they are engaged citizens whose sense of the possible has been enhanced and redefined by their Class Afloat experience.

Since 1984, over 2000 Class Afloat students have sailed more than 800,000 nautical miles to over 250 ports of call worldwide.

Committed to the principles of academic excellence, community service, leadership and personal development, this exceptional program provides young people with the opportunity to develop as individuals, excel as global citizens and forge lifelong friendships as they explore the world.

Badge Academic Excellence
science class

Rigorous Academics

  • With an average class size of 12, we ensure personalized attention to each student’s unique learning needs
  • Choose from a list of courses that spark your interest and motivate you to learn
  • Our faculty are passionate about teaching. They challenge students to excel academically and to make the most of their once in a lifetime experience.
  • ESL and English immersion classes offered
Graduation 2024

Transferable Credits

  • Students enrol for a full year or one semester
  • Earn grade 11, 12 high school or 1st year university credits
  • Graduate as a Class Afloat student, transfer credits to your home school or university
  • Earn credits through Acadia University in Nova Scotia, Canada. Continue as a student at Acadia or transfer credits to another university
  • Strengthen your university applications with international experience, quality academics and leadership skills
at the helm

Personal Development

  • Acquire a 21st century international education experience
  • Understand your role as a global citizen
  • Sail to 20 ports of call on 4 continents aboard a majestic tall ship
  • Engage in hands on learning, while following a curriculum grounded in experiential learning and theory
  • Master responsibility, accountability, independence, teamwork, good judgement, and leadership skills

Class Afloat is Accredited By:

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia, Canada Department of Education

Acadia University
Cegep Marie Victorin

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Frequently Asked Questions

Students are in their final years of high school, considering a gap year or going into their first year of university. Students are generally between the ages of 16 – 19 and are admitted based on a strong academic profile, involvement in their school and community, and their motivation to become an engaged member of the Class Afloat community.

Yes. Class Afloat is fully accredited by the Ministry of Education in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. Credits can be transferred back to the student’s home high school. Students who complete their requirements to graduate from high school may be issued an internationally recognized Nova Scotia high school diploma.

Yes. High school credits earned from Class Afloat can be transferred to high schools worldwide. Each student must check with their guidance counsellor to ensure proper credit transfer.

Yes. Students who meet entrance requirements can earn university credits through Acadia University in Nova Scotia, one of Canada’s top-ranked undergraduate institutions. Upon completion of the program, these credits may be transferred to a degree program at a university of the student’s choice.

Yes. Our gap year students take at least two courses (either high school or university level) while spending 4 or 9 months at sea. Class Afloat is a proud partner of the CanGap Association.

All students must be able to converse and complete their coursework in English. Each year we have students from many countries who speak diverse languages. All courses are offered in English, providing an immersion in the language. ESL classes are offered for those who request extra language support.

The academic year is divided into two semesters (September – January and January – May). Students may attend a full academic year or one semester. Some students choose to attend multiple years.

Our high school curriculum is outlined here. Our university curriculum is outlined here. High school students take 3 – 5 courses per semester. University students take 2 – 4 courses per semester. Students usually consult with their home school guidance department in order to submit their course selection preferences to Class Afloat.

Depending on course selection, students will complete up to 5 hours of class work each day.

Why Study Abroad with Class Afloat?

Student on tall ship
When I spent time with the kids and asked them what it was about, they said “acceptance”. There’s no judgement, they all accept each other, and I think that’s such a beautiful lesson to get at such a young age. Those kids have had to work hard and to learn grit. I heard her say how much she loved the challenge. If your kid wants to go, make it happen!
Elana Rosenfield, Class Afloat Parent(1/3)
Global citizens
Class Afloat changed my entire life! It redefined my perception of what’s possible. It introduced me to the world, making me feel like a true global citizen and showing me different ways of life. But, most importantly, it taught me to be part of a crew and connected me with life-long friends.
Amy Taylor, Alumni Student, 1999-2000, SPAIN(2/3)
Port program
The biggest take away from Class Afloat was learning how to work with and lead people in almost any situation. Furling sails in a storm, 2-4am watches and full days in the galley, working with the same people day in and day out you learn a lot about those people - and yourself.
Student Survey, 2017-2018(3/3)